India intends to replace the mules currently serving in the army with robots

According to the Indian Defense Research Wing website of the Indian Institute of Defense Research on April 3, the country plans to replace 60% of the animal mules in the army with robotic mules by 2030.

La robot is expected to be equipped by the Indian Army with units in the highlands and remote areas for transport and reconnaissance (Photo: Thepaper).

In addition to transporting supplies, the robot mule can also act as an ambulance and do battlefield reconnaissance.

The Indian Defense Research Institute points out in a news release that the Indian military now makes extensive use of mules to transport supplies in areas with extreme weather conditions and hard-to-reach areas, including remote plateaus and mountains. The Indian Army plans to purchase four-legged robotic mules that can walk on their own and avoid obstacles in different terrain conditions.

An article published by the Indian Defense Research Institute states that the Indian military also plans to purchase large, medium and small cargo drones to deliver food and other materials to bases. in remote border areas within a radius of 100 to 150 km.

India plans to replace mules currently serving in the army with robots photo 1

La robot has the advantage of large payload, can move on all terrains and in complex weather conditions (Photo: Sputnik).


In November 2022, the first robotic mules built by the American company General Dynamics entered service with the US Army. La robots are mainly used to carry materials such as batteries, water and ammunition, they can move on their own or remotely; They can also be used to charge batteries.

The advantage of la robot is its large payload, which can operate continuously, thanks to its built-in global positioning system (GPS), gyroscope device and pressure sensor mounted on 4 mechanical legs, the robot can walk on any complex terrain, including on ice, where it is very difficult for humans to keep their balance while walking.

DARPA Mule Robot Too Noisy, US Military Refuses to Hear it Any Longer

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