How to Display Houseplants: 98 of Our Favorite Plant-Display Ideas

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I’m a firm believer in the philosophy that one’s home can never have too many plants. They breathe life into any room they’re placed in, and they come in a dizzying array of sizes, shapes, colors, and more. If you are struggling to find new ways to add more plants to your own at-home jungle, you may find some ideas for fitting more flora in below. If you’re just looking to change things up and give your home a new leaf on life, you’ll certainly find the plant displays below inspiring. And if you simply do not want to or cannot literally fit any more plants into your home, you’ll still enjoy perusing through some of the creative, beautiful, weird, and wild ways in which folks have incorporated plant life into their home.

Hang in there

One of the best/easiest ways to add more plants into your home is simply by hanging them like from the ceiling or in front of a window. What I also love about this idea is the stunning variety of ways in which you can make this look your own. From where you hang, to what you hang, to how you hang, look at some of the ways these house tour participants hung plants in their home and see if it sparks any ideas for you.

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This 296-square-foot tiny house has 14 windows, a hammock, a meditation loft, and TONS of plants, including this gorgeous display of leaves. Not only is this a great way to display a lot of plants without taking up a lot of floor space in a small home, but it also becomes a living piece of wall art.

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Jewelry designer Bobbi, of Bobbi Made This, has a house that features color and shapes in fresh and fun ways, but there are also some great plant displaying ideas, too. I love the way she incorporated plants in her kitchen, including mixing simple hanging plants in front of the window, with a tall, leafy fiddle leaf in front of the window, plus a couple of cute plants on some corner shelves.

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Pairing these botanical, naturally shaped hanging plants in front of a glamorous but geometric wallpaper accent wall is an amazing way to add contrast to a room, as seen in September’s cool house.

Plant wall


Kristin Cedar made an entire plant wall in her cool condo. “The whole 6′ by 6′ wall cost a total of $300 and was so easy to install. I used these giant garment racks that are usually used in retail stores. I attached them to the walls with these brackets. I used a variety of climbing plants with this self-watering hanging wall planter. I used a mix of plants that will grow and spread over time, so the wall will one day be entirely green!”

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This pro organizer’s 512-square-foot studio has brilliant storage ideas in the kitchen, bathroom, closets, and more, but it’s Faith’s over-the-kitchen-island idea that has me most excited. She combines keepsakes she’s collected over the years in a cute hanging mobile, interspersed with living plants for a one-of-a-kind display.

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This South Philly home Has a very cool DIY fireplace, the cutest ever heart-shaped window, and over 100 plants, including this rad planting hanging over the bed, which with its placement feels more like a living chandelier.

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Also in that same South Philadelphia home is the hanging plant idea that someone with any size budget or space could use: incorporating one of those affordable rods with containers hanging off of it from hooks.

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Intentional displays of plants and art are becoming a huge trend in minimal decor, and with reason: You can take a few treasured items you really care about, blending them together into a composition that itself becomes art. Get inspired by the one spotted in Whitney Mack’s New Orleans bedroom.

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Cooking with fresh herbs from your own garden is a certain type of delightful pleasure, made even more sweeter when you can also use those growing herbs as an adorable display, like in this cute home.

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This 350-square-foot studio apartment cleverly repurposed a clothing rack as a room divider, but made sure that room divider didn’t feel too visually heavy, too imposing, or too blocky by using plants to do the dividing.

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Alli Hochberg’s 550-square-foot rental studio apartment on New York City’s Upper East Side has a pretty interesting room divider idea: A coat rack filled with plants helps visually divide the space but also lets in lots of light!

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Melissa only has 272 square feet in her NYC studio apartment, but she found a novel way to add TONS of plants in her home without blocking all the light coming into her small home: She uses an IKEA NIKKEBY Clothes Rack to hang plants from!

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This loft-style apartment situated in the heart of Old City, Philadelphia’s most historic neighborhood, has tons of architectural features, like gorgeous brick walls. But I love the way in which they used plants to highlight the mantel area.

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Chelsea Coffey and Warren Creavalle have a gorgeous two-story loft in Philadelphia, and they hung plants under their staircase to create a really cool look.

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This paper artist’s home has an envy-inducing art and textile collection, but this array of circular plant hangers from Norwegian Wood are what caught my eye.

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An adventurously dreamy home with a touch of golden glam has a couple of great hanging plant ideas, from the cheap IKEA SKURAR planters hung at different heights in front of a window (hung with affordable twine) to the uniform plant collection hanging from a bar installed in the kitchen window.

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A reminder that hanging plant displays don’t have to be pricey; in this nature-loving artist’s 390-square-foot studio apartment simple terra cotta pots hang in equally simple macrame hangers.

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A blogger’s cali bungalow is the perfect mix of beach and boho style, but it also has this cute hanging shelf. She placed a lovely little plant and container combo on top of the shelf to complete the look. This hanging shelf available for purchase on Etsy is similar to the one above.

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Are you a renter and/or don’t want to drill holes in your ceiling? Try the idea in this “adult barbie dream home” style Brooklyn apartment: hang plants from a stand-alone clothing rack. This rack from Amazon is similar to the one above.

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This adorable 1830s creole cottage in New Orleans has basically 400 things I love, but the simple way in which the owner hung a pothos plant above this furniture piece, and then draped the vines around it to frame it, absolutely makes me swoon.

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Have a dull corner in your home? Take an idea from this colorful, thrifty Toronto home and install a little copper pipe, hang a trio of cute air plant holders, and have a stylish plant display in no time. You can get a similarly cute trio of air plants and holders for under $35 bucks from Etsy.

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300 plants fill this warm and verdant Brooklyn apartment, but even if you don’t have that many in your collection (yet) you can still steal one of the owner’s plant placement location ideas: hanging above a walkway.

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A maximalist on a minimal budget filled her home with murals, and I particularly enjoyed this plant life moment with a hanging pothos flirting with the green hues in the mural behind it.

Kill everything that’s green? Lean into your talents and opt to hang plants to dry in front of a window, like spotted in this peaceful, poetic natural home in Switzerland. Make it seem intentional, and it’ll work.

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This couple’s romantic Barcelona flat has a reminder that the elements you’ve installed for storage—like this bar in the kitchen for hanging cooking tools—can also be a great place for a plant or two.

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If you’re into minimalism or Scandinavian-inspired design, this Nordic style London flat has a super sleek black hanging bar with two plants and a light fixture that might be right up your design alley.

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