Did Dwayne Johnson Really Call Political Correctness Fans “Snowflakes”? The Rock Broke Silence After Fan Backlash

Did Dwayne Johnson Really Call Political Correctness Fans Snowflakes The Rock Broke Silence After Fan Backlash

Dwayne Johnson is always in the news for one thing or the other. The former World Wrestling Champion is known for being vocal about a lot of things and his wokeness has had him being labeled as America’s Next President.

Dwayne Johnson 's problematic interview led to severe backlash
Dwayne Johnson’s problematic interview led to severe backlash

However, back in 2019 public opinion wasn’t too in favor of the star, as an interview published in a UK tabloid called The Daily Star featured Dwayne Johnson calling out Politically Correct fans as the easily offended and unsettled generation. This resulted in many people calling him out for his offensive comments.

Did Dwayne Johnson Label Politically Correct Fans As Snowflakes?

The Rock was cancelled after calling people 'snowflakes'

2019 had just started and Dwayne Johnson‘s popularity was on the rise with popular movie releases lined up. However, an interview published in a UK daily called The Daily Star featured The Rock calling out the hypocrisy and insincerity of the young generation of today. The Jumanji star was quoted as labeling the younger generation as snowflakes, people who are easily offended and discomforted by others’ opinions despite them striving for political correctness and freedom of speech.

“So many good people fought for freedom and equality, but this generation are looking for a reason to be offended. If you are not agreeing with them then they are offended, and that is not what so many great men and women fought for.”

Johnson added on how ‘snowflakes’ have been stopping us from progressing,

“People can be who they want, be with who they want, and live how they want. That can only be a good thing, but generation snowflake, or whatever you want to call them, are actually putting us backwards.”

This interview took the world of social media by storm with many ‘canceling’ The Rock, and calling him out for his problematic statements. However, to add a twist to the already twisted tale, Dwayne Johnson later took to Instagram to reveal that the interview was 100% fake and fabricated.

Dwayne Johnson Never Called Out Politically Correct People As Snowflakes

Johnson was quick to call the interview fake and fabricated
Johnson was quick to call the interview fake and fabricated

As soon as the contents of the problematic interview were revealed, already spreading like wildfire, Dwayne Johnson took to his personal social media account to reveal that it was 100% fake. In a short video posted on Instagram, with a similar caption, Johnson revealed that it was not his nature to criticize anyone, let alone call out someone for their opinions.

“Settin’ the record straight. The interview never happened. Never said those words. 100% false. If I ever had an issue with someone, a group, community or a generation — I’d seek them out, create dialogue and do my best to understand them. Criticizing ain’t my style.”

Ending it with the sentiment that everyone has the right to be what they wish to be, Dwayne Johnson’s video quickly cooled things out and he was once again hailed as a hero. And the interview was removed from the tabloid’s website soon after.

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