Britney Spears Laments Not Being Allowed to ‘Shake My A– on the Dance Floor’ Under Conservatorship

“This is a flashback to remind me to get my a– on the dance floor and shake my a– !!!” the singer wrote on Instagram.

Britney Spears

Now that she’s once again able to, Britney Spears just wants to keep dancing ’til the world ends. The pop star shared a throwback video of a fun night out with friends on Instagram Wednesday (June 7) and reflected on how little she was allowed to party during her conservatorship, resolving to make up for lost time now that she’s legally independent.

“I saw this today and cried like a baby !!!” she wrote — noting that the video, in which she and her friend Cade dance to music in a nightclub, was taken during the second year of her “Piece of Me” Las Vegas residency. “Of course I was never allowed to drink with my crew so I never went out really !!! People won’t believe me but in 4 years I went out 3 times !!!”

Britney Spears conservatorship could go on for a lifetime |


The singer’s Vegas stint lasted from December 2013 to December 2017, midway through her 13-year conservatorship. Spears’ father, Jamie Spears, was assigned control of her assets in 2008, and the court order wasn’t terminated until November 2021.

“Obviously all I’ve ever known is to work 🙄🙄🙄 !!!” the Grammy winner continued in her post. “The one thing I remembered from my first few tours before the conservatorship was how I got to feel like a sexy sassy pants and dance all night in every city !!! Skinny dipping in the oceans with my dancers… The shows felt better because we were deeper in our bodies and we felt it with every piece of sweat coming out of our pores !!!”

“And even though there were no crazy drinking nights for 13 years …,” Spears added. “I still have the most wicked cool memories from before !!! Remember all things wicked come from innocence !!! I get to go to Vegas and be wicked like my mom now !!! JUST SAYING !!!”

The jab at her mom comes just a couple weeks after Spears took to Instagram to say that, after reportedly being estranged for more than three years, she and mother Lynne Spears had reunited. “with family there’s always things that need to be worked out… but time heals all wounds!!!” she captioned a post May 25.

“Psss this is not a memoir I am not dead people !!!” Brit concluded. “This is a flashback to remind me to get my a– on the dance floor and shake my a– !!! PSSS I’m an equal American citizen now !!!”

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