The animal rights group shared a photo of SomBoon falling asleep the moment she entered her new enclosure. The spokesperson added: “Upon arrival, many new elephants, still plagued by paranoia and lack of trust, take weeks before they will lie down.

“However, Grandma SomBoon defied the norm. Exhausted from her journey, and a lifetime of hardship, she promptly sought the sand pile prepared for her, sleeping soundly amid the bustling activities around her.”

They also posted a photo of the worn-out elephant being helped to her feet with a pulley after her mammoth sleep. The group said: “After an hour of deep slumber, SomBoon attempted to rise but couldn’t, inducing panic.


SomBoon had been used for giving rides since 1944

“Critical care staff swiftly aided her, helping her regain the ability to stand.” The spokesperson added: “A vigilant team of veterinarians and carers will closely monitor her condition.”

In an update several days later, the group said: “Grandma SomBoon is radiant and content, enjoying her mud spa. It’s beautiful to witness her embracing her new sanctuary life with such joy and grace.” SomBoon will spend the twilight of her life enjoying nutritionally balanced food, pleasant strolls, and soothing mud baths at the rescue centre.